Wow, how time flies. Lexi is 3 months old already!!
She is getting so big. She smiles at you when you talk to her. She laughs out loud when you tickle her. She does pretty good about tummy time. But she LOVESSSS her Baby Einsteins. She watches them just about everyday while I am getting things done. Maybe it will help to make her smart. She likes her Bumbo chair for little bits at a time.
Her most recent obsession is her hands and anything she can put in her mouth.
She will chew on anything she can grab.
I love how she is starting to get her own personality. She has a VERY short temper like her dad. She will let you know very quick if she isn't happy or if she is hungry. She is happy almost all the time. She always wakes up in a good mood and makes my day brighter.
Well I will quite typing and let you get to pictures.
Happy Baby Girl.
She loves to eat her burp cloths.
Lexi and her PaPaw.
Sweet Baby Sleeping while daddy plays volleyball.