I can't believe it has been so long since I have posted. Lexi has changed SOOOOO much over the last 3 months, but mainly in the last few weeks. Within just a few weeks she army crawled, pulled up, regular crawled and now is SUPER close to walking on her own.
She has just in the last few days started walking/crawling like a monkey. She uses her hands and feet to crawl because regular crawling hurts her knees.
She has definitely come into her temper. She knows exactly what she wants and when she wants it.
She loves to cuddle and be rocked, but when it comes to sleeping you just lay her down and she will go to sleep on her own.. She is definitely a cuddle baby. Which I LOVE!!!! :)
She plays very well on her own. I am so lucky to still get to keep her with me everyday. I can't imagine having to leave her for so many hours a day.
She has learned to wave when you say hi or bye. Sometimes you can get her to say hi but that is rare.
Lexi loves to feed herself snacks. She is miss independent. She doesn't want you to do anything for her. (I can't imagine where she gets that from.)
Well enough with typing here are some random pictures of my Beautiful baby girl.
Pulling up like a big girl.
Pretty Girl on St. Patrick's Day!!
Lexi at 7 months old. Sitting up like a big girl. Gone are the days of her sitting in 1 spot and staying there.
Lexi enjoying Payden,Gibson, Aubrie and Grayson's t-ball game.
Lexi trying to steal Brody's paci. She could careless about it but she doesn't want him to have it.
Mommy's Cuddle Bug!!!
One of Lexi's many sleeping positions.
Miss Independent feeding herself. :)
Coming soon....Easter 2010.